Thursday, 15 August 2013


What are the causes of vandalism?
Vandalism is caused by people who think it is funny damage peoples property. Normally cause by peer pressure when told to vandalize they feel they can't say no.
Vandalism can also be committed against minority groups as an expression of racism or religious hatred. It has been found in studies of teenage behavior  that those who commit seemingly pointless vandalism are often shallow individuals who aspire to little other than material possessions, money and feeling jealous of those who have what they don't. It can be the result of bad parenting, or maybe some who are being influenced by bad company. 

How to prevent vandalism

Under camera's surveillance
Install camera to keep watch of most commonly targeted places such as the alleys of the streets. By doing so, those who vandalize would be afraid and fear. Resulting by not vandalizing. 

Educate the public, especially young people about the costs of vandalism.

Clean up vandalism as soon as it happens -- replace signs, repair playground equipment.

If you see anyone committing vandalism, report it to the police or someone who can take action.

Protect your house or apartment from vandalism by using good lighting and locking gates and garages.


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